Have you ever read a book that just captivates you and pulls you in? A book that moves you so deeply and spiritually? A story that connects the world and money with mindset and the concept that there is plenty for everyone? I found myself struck in just such a way when I found the words of Lynne Twist, and wanted to share her wisdom with you all here.
Through her book, The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources, Lynne Twist solidifies the idea that money is a tool, and one that can’t have any true power – except for the power we give it. We get to choose how we react to it and align it with our true, most soulful goals.
“Money is like an iron ring we put through our noses. It is now leading us around wherever it wants. We just forgot that we are the ones who designed it.” – Mark Kinney
Photo via The Soul of Money Institute
The Soul of Money
According to Lynne, our interpretation of money is where we can find true self-discovery. This is expertly conveyed through her personal experience, as she shares how she was able to witness and contribute to metamorphic change in her world.
By understanding where our money beliefs are rooted, we can better understand why we use it the way we do. Sometimes, though not always, we may find that the way we approach money deepens the divide between us and what lights our soul on fire.
What is Enough?
Lynne brilliantly dives into the conversation of when is enough, enough? At what point do we get to this place of satisfaction? By not having enough and never satisfied, it somehow reinforces this concept of scarcity. Is satisfaction this elusive goal that we will never grab a hold of? What is enough for you? When will you get there?
It reminds me of how this may keep us up at night. Do you find yourself unable to break the constant cycle of working harder and longer hours to bring home more money to buy more things. Are you in search of a larger home for more room to hold all these things?
Below is a wonderful video that, filmed was part of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday conversations. There are several more videos from this conversation you can find on YouTube. I also highly recommend Lynne’s popular TEDx Talk, Freedom from the Money Culture.
When we believe there isn’t enough money to go around, we accept that some people will have what they need and some people won’t. It’s all about our relationship to money and it’s what fuels that flame to the scarcity mythology that continues to grow.
“There is enough for everyone. To access that experience of enough, however, we have to be willing to let go – let go of a lifetime of scarcity’s lessons and lies.” – Lynne Twist
Sufficiency and The Natural Flow of Money
It’s in no way true that you are somehow blocked from the things you desire because there simply isn’t enough money. This limiting belief negatively impacts the lives of so many, and the way Lynne addresses it is both poignant and beautiful.
Through the idea of sufficiency as the only absolute truth, Lynne show us that we each have something that lives inside of us. It’s an, “intentional choosing of the way we think about our circumstances.”
This mindset changes everything. Lynne writes: When you let go of trying to get more of what you don’t really need, it frees up oceans of energy to make a difference with what you have. When you make a difference with what you have it expands.
Go With The Flow
This ties into the beautiful idea that money flows like water through our lives. Just like water, money is a carrier for both positive and negative things. If we allow it to flow, it can help to create life. It can help to grow and improve the world around us.
But if we hoard it, or act to stop up it’s natural flow, we open ourselves up to toxicity. When we live in sufficiency, we direct the flow of money toward a more soulful purpose. It helps us to lead a more fulfilling, vibrant life. And to impact those around us.
Lynne shares her powerful stories of travel throughout the world and how she witnessed first hand the money flow and principles of abundance. Once she found her soul connection, it freed her to experience and to be a part of making change in the world.
Photo via Pachamama.org
Making a Difference
Lynne and her husband, Bill, founded the Pachamama Alliance to help empower indigenous people of the Amazon rainforests to help preserve their lands and culture. Pachamama Alliance focuses on cherishing life by connecting, engaging, travelling, and learning with others and making a conscious commitment to sustainability.
One of their core beliefs is that humans are collaborative and cooperative, and that we can achieve the best results together by empowering one another. Deeper than their environmental mission, Pachamama Alliance is working to establish a socially human presence that promotes human rights and sustainability.
Lynne and Bill Twist were invited by the Achuar people to work in partnership with them and promote this uniquely connected worldview, and their ongoing fight to preserve their culture and land in the face of oil development and the monetized, modern world is inspiring and powerful.
Lessons From The Heart
I’m not sure I was able to articulate how much this book impacted me. There’s so much we can learn from Lynne Twist, who leads by example. Her passion is inspiring, and I encourage you to read this book and consider how money flows through your own life.
What toxic beliefs do we harbor about money, and how can we shift those beliefs to exist in a state of sufficiency? How can we work to direct the flow of money through our life in a more soulful way? And how can we become part of the changes we want to see in our world?
While these questions may have evolving answers, they’re worth thinking about – especially as we head into the new year and a new season of life. Anything is possible. When we direct the flow of money through us in a soulful way, it grows and helps to develop something beautiful in the world.
If you want to discuss how you can start using money soulfully, or how you can find a confident state of sufficiency, reach out and let’s talk.